About This Project

CitySens sensor node and gateway

CitySens Granada is a project developed by Métrica6 for the Granada City Council, with EDUSI funds financial, which consists in the installation of more than 300 environmental sensors in multiple locations in the city of Granada.


The system consists of a double particle measurement system. The first consists of a particle sensor that transforms the concentration signals of the absorbed air through a laser diode. The second node reflects the amount of nitrogen dioxide in the air through the electrical signal produced by a chemical reaction.


Its purpose is to offer detailed and real-time information about air quality levels in the atmosphere where it is installed, thus allowing a view of the impact of pollution and its evolution over time.


The technology has been put in the hands of the Granada City Council, where it is intended to know how pollutants are distributed in the city and to know those that affect the most, such as nitrogen dioxide and M10 particles.

Medioambiente, Programas I+D
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