02 Jun UNWTO SDG 2030 Awards
If this pandemic situation has shows us something is that we have to look for a balance. Innovation and economic development should grow to hold out the hand to sustainability.
In this context, tourism has been a clear example of empowerment and resilience. Although in some aspects 2020 was a stop, it also was an opportunity to continue working from behind, innovating, and creating solutions to improve the different processes.
We have to learn to produce in a clean and respectful way with the planet, connecting with all communities, approaching rural environments, using connectivity: renewables energies, digitalization, inclusive politics, etc.
Thanks to competitions and spaces like this one, the tourism sustainable ecosystem keeps moving. Sustainability’s not just a fight against climate change, it’s inclusión, it’s bet to young people, bet and invest in education, etc. It’s our responsibility to create conscience and startups are fundamental in this growth.
Between the different presented projects, we can find actions to reduce poverty and hunger, immersive tourism experiences in poor zones to create employment and generate inclusion, a global network to improve safety for women who travel alone, autonomous sanity systems, systems to reduce the carbon footprint or end residues, create consumer and commercial sustainable habits, global access to clean water, etc.
“Any and all of these projects is an example of there’s no crisis that can beat illusion and effort. Every proposal is an original answer to a challenge.”
Waisense, which is the project that Metrica6 presented and with the one we gain objective 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), transcends and goes further of being just a saving water system. It’s an eco-efficient solution destiny not just to new Smart cities, also for multiple industrial sectors and agricultural. It’s a physical elements and digital tools combination, as a dashboard and app. Waisense can be integrated into third parties solutions, it’s versátil, easily customizable and adaptable to clients necessities, hight efficient solution and improves the quality of life.
Digitalization is fundamental nowadays. The most digitalized business are the ones that better deal with crises. This situation reminds us that we have to flow, that future is not certain, but there’s so much that we can do. The future is digital, and connectivity is a key to that. It’s not just connecting with people, it’s also connecting with things. With Waisense we want to achieve this connectivity, by optimizing and improving the use of such an important resource as water is and gaining comfortability in any home or place in which Waisense is installed as hotels, gyms, hairdressers, and so on.
“Tourism is not just about the economy, it allows all of us to live in a better world.”
Tourism is one of the sectors that has most suffered this transformation and, in this competition, has shown us how technology can (and must) serve to implement cleaner services and better use of resources. Sustainability must go with digitalization and innovation should be at sustainable development service.
We should have a conscience about how we travel. We have to look for some ways to conciliate quality of life and coliving between citizens and tourists. As the major of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, says: “Our country is on entrepreneurship head in technologies applied to tourism. It’s time to reinvent us and nothing better than doing this from talent.”